Sunday, February 1, 2009

Between the Panels

Simply put, podcasting has been one the biggest inventions of the best decade. From TV to Movies, from Video Games to Sports, there is a podcast for everyone, it is just a matter of finding the right one for you. As a HUGE podcast fan (I think the last time I checked I had about 41 Podcast subscriptions) it was only logical that I start one at some point. Well, that day finally came, yesterday, at 4:30 PM Eastern, I sat down and recorded the first episode of "Between the Panels" a comics discussion podcast. I will post again to let you know when the episode hits the internet for you to download and listen to. Needless to say, I am very excited about this, and I can't wait to you get you all involved in it as well!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Top Ten of 2008 - Comics

Continuing with my Top Tens of 2008, (which I know is stereotypical and over used) today I'm proud to present my top Ten comics of 2008.

10. Supergirl - DC Comics: Sterling Gates
I hadn't been reading this until Sterling Gates took over, but since then, I have been totally hooked on the character of Supergirl. I really like the fact that Kara is no longer a whiny teen, but a young woman in charge of her destiny. Gates' has made Kara interesting again, and has me excited for what the future brings.

9. Guardians of the Galaxy - Marvel Comics: Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning
This was the first book in Marvel's cosmic line that I picked up. I was not very familiar with these characters, but the writing team of Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning has made this one of Marvel's most enjoyable comics. Plus, with team that has a talking, gun wielding Raccoon, its bound to be a blast.
8. Ultimate Spider-Man - Marvel Comics: Brian Bendis
Ultimate Spider-Man is the book that really got me into really comics. It was the first ever comic that I subscribed to, and thus holds a special place. Bendis continues to craft an interesting alternate take on of the most beloved characters. This year saw the return of Gwen Stacey, and the return of Venom, and with the lead into Ultimatum, Ultimate Spider-Man doesn't show any signs of slowing down anytime soon.

7. Action Comics - DC Comics: Geoff Johns
Geoff Johns. Geoff Johns. Geoff Johns. Why did I repeat this man's name three times? Because, Mr. Johns is one of THE best writers in the business right now. This man has a gift to craft one hell of a story. From the Legion of Superheroes storyline to John's groundbreaking run on Brainic, Johns continues to wow and amaze readers.

6. Batman: DC Comics : Grant Morrison
Bruce Wayne has had one hell of a year. Starting in the summer, Grant Morrison ran our favorite Caped Crusader through the ringer in his "Batman RIP" story. Morrison took Bruce down to his lowest possible level and we all watched as he rose, and continued to fight the good fight. Even as I write this, the fate of the Dark Knight is unknown, but Morrison has me hooked, and I can't wait to see what happens next.

5. Booster Gold - DC Comics: Geoff John and Jeff Katz
Booster Gold is one of the most enjoyable titles out on the market right now. Geoff Johns has done a good job of making Booster one of the most interesting characters in the entire DC Universe. As a the hero that no one can know about, Booster travels through time and space fixing mistakes that other heroes have made, making sacrifices that no others can. The Blue and the Gold story was one of the best arcs of the year, as Booster got to team up again with Ted Kord, aka the Blue Beetle once again. Sadly, while Ted couldn't be saved, Booster's sister was, adding a new and interesting dynamic to the book. This is one to watch folks.

4. Incredible Hercules - Marvel Comics: Greg Pak and Fred Van Lente
Incredible Hercules is a title that really caught me off guard. I had all intentions of never picking up this book, but after the end of the first arc, this book was simply too much fun for me not to pick up. The relationship and characterization of Herc and his partner Amadeus Cho are a blast, thus making Incredible Herc, one great book.

3. Invincible Iron Man - Marvel Comics: Matt Fraction
Tony Stark. Ex-Drunk. Billionaire. Womanizer. Genius. Hero. Iron Man. Tony Stark sure had a year. Between Ezekiel Stane's use of Stark's own technology to attack innocent people around the world, to being blamed for the actions of the Skrulls in Secret Invasion, Tony hasn't had a good year. Matt Fraction's take on this beloved, yet often troubled character is just beginning. And if the past 8 issues are any indication, trouble is just starting for Marvel's man of steel.
2. Green Lantern - DC Comics: Geoff Johns
Again, this is an area where I really can't stress enough the genius and talent of Geoff Johns. Green Lantern is a book that I could have cared less about years ago, but Johns made the character of Hal Jordan and his supporting characters so interesting and deserve, that a title like this can't be ignored. This year, the seeds really began to get planted for the big "Blackest Night" event. The new Corps (Violet, Blue and Red) are all so different and interesting, and I can't wait to see what Johns has in store for these characters in the coming months.

1. Captain America - Marvel Comics: Ed Brubaker
I'd never in a million years would have guessed that Marvel would have killed one of the most beloved and historical character in all of Comics. But when Ed Brubaker had those fateful round fired into Steve Rogers chest, we all knew there were big changes coming for this book. 2008 saw the emergence of the new Captain America, Bucky Barnes, Steve's old sidekick. The way that Brubaker made Bucky the new Cap made sense with the character and fit him perfectly. Since then, Brubaker has taken readers into a vast and deep world, full of spies and pure evil. With shocking twists and turns at every moment, the story keeps readers hooked for months to come. Brubaker has a plan for all these characters, and if the stories continue to be of this caliber, count me in.

These are my favorite comic book series of 2008. It was a great year for comics, and 2009 looks to be just as interesting.

So, what do you think? Did I leave anything out? Agree or disagree with anything? Sound off in the comments and let me know your thoughts!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Top Ten Moments 0f 2008 - TV

2008 has to be one of the best years for media in recent memory. From excellent movies such as The Dark Knight, Iron Man, and Tropic Thunder, to amazing seasons of Dexter, Lost, and Burn Notice, 2008 has been a memorable one. I wanted to sit down and take some time to talk about my favorite TV moments of 2008.

10. Micheal getting blown away - Burn Notice
I have talked about my love for Burn Notice on my blog before, and the ending to Season 2 was no exception. The season finale brought Michael closer to find out who burned him, but at the cost of being burned himself. The cliffhanger had me on the edge of my seat wanting more.

9. Chuck and Casey's kiss - Chuck
One of the funniest moments, Casey is on the verge of death due to biological attack and Chuck thinks that he might be able to save him by kissing him. (Note: Chuck had injected himself with the anti dote). Thus, our hero thinks the best way to save his friend is try and kiss him. The resistance of Casey had me rolling.

8. Doomsday kidnapping Chloe - Smallville
Having your wedding day ruined is one thing, but having your husband get his chest ripped opened, and being kidnapped by a monster? That's something else. Perfect mid season cliffhanger and will set the tone for the rest of Season 8 of Smallville.

7. Sylar wants Cake - Heroes
Despite Heroes problems this season, Sylar killing a office worker on her birthday in cold blood, and then offering her co-workers cake before killing them is one of the scariest/most awesome things ever. It's moments like these that make me love Sylar as a character.

6. Chuck, Tom Sawyer, and Missile Command - Chuck
Combining one of the greatest retro games of all time with one of the greatest songs of all time is all sorts of awesome.

5. Liz Lemon meeting Oprah - 30 Rock
30 Rock is hands down one of the best shows out there right now, and Liz finally getting to "meet" her idol was worth all of Liz's oozing of her.

4. Jim and Pam finally getting together - The Office
This is the couple that we all have been rooting for for years. Jim's proposal to Pam in the rain was romantic and heart felt, and totally out of left field. Much like with 30 Rock, this moment had been building for years, and the payoff was more than worth the wait.

3. Cromartie's Death - Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles
The take down of one of the baddest Terminators took one awesome combined effort from Sarah, Cameron, Derek, and Ellison. John putting the final bullet in the tin can was fitting for the future leader of mankind.

2. The Constant - Lost
This was another touching moment that was years in the making. Desmond's Christmas Eve conversation with Penny was touching, and even made me tear up a little. It's moments like that really make me love Lost.

1. Dexter killing Miguel - Dexter
However, my moment of the year has to go to Dexter. Dexter, finally found a friend in DA Miguel, but Dexter is clearly someone that will go without friends. However, the icing on the cake was Dexter telling Miguel that he killed Miguel's brother. The look on Miguel's face was priceless. Tragic events will continue to occur for our beloved Dexter Morgan, but it seems that everything is going in his way....for now.

So what you do you all think? Great moments? Did I miss one of your favorites from 2008? Sound off in the comments!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Things I have learned so far in College

So, I am about half-way through my first semester of College life and there are already many things I have learned:

1. Amazon is your best friend as a college for a matter of two simple words: Free Shipping.

2. Coffee is also your best friend for late night projects.

3. Speaking of best friends, drunk, suite mates that keep you up until 2 in the morning (when you have an eight AM class the next day) are NOT your best friends.

4. Dorm life is good, but not on an all guys floor.

5. There is a 35 point mercy rule in flag football.

And these are just some of the things I have learned. I really like College life so far, but there are time when I miss my old home town. But enough of that for now.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Per Newsarama Skottie Young's variant cover for the Wonderful Wizard of Oz #1 due out from Marvel Comics in December. Isn't it so well drawn?

What I've Been Watching

(Note: this was taken from my blog at and I felt like it was good enough to be re-posted here for you all to enjoy.)

Alright faithful readers, we all know of these "Whatca Been Playing" segments on Podcasts and such, but what about "Whatca Been Watching?" As a huge TV fan, I watch many shows, but every so often, shows sneak right past me. Burn Notice is one of those shows. I don't know how I missed the whole first season and half of the second season, but I don't plan to now.

How could I have missed this show?!

Burn Notice is show on the USA network that follows Micheal Westen, a great spy that works for some sort of secret spy agency. When spies get fired, they get a "burn notice". All their money is frozen, and you are trapped in whatever city they decide to place you in. For Micheal, that city is Miami.

Since Micheal is in quite the situation, he decides to take all sorts of odd jobs around town, but most of them involve Micheal making good use out of his spy skills. But sometimes there are jobs that are too big for Micheal to handle alone, so he brings in his "team" to help him. That team consists of Fiona (pictured above) and Sam (who is played by the one and only Bruce Campbell). Between the romantice tension between Fiona and Micheal, and the beer drinking antics of Sam, the trio has great chemistry and are just a thrill to watch.

Sam and Micheal at their best.

Another point that deserves to be addressed is how fantastic the writing is. It is clever, quirky, and it really fits the show. It is serious and intense when it needs to be, but also quite funny at the same time.

Fiona says watch Burn Notice, or you get it!

Still not sold on Burn Notice? Take a look at the first episode, and let me know your thoughts in the comments below. As for me, I have to go and finish up the fist half of Season 2 before Burn Notice comes back on September 11. Enjoy the show!

Howdy Folks!

Hello everyone! Some of you may already know me through various internet persona's that I may have, others of you are my friends and are just wanting to see what I have to rant about, or you have no idea at all who I am. Regardless, I thank you for stopping by and checking out what I have to say. In case you don't get the joke from the title of my Blog, I am super tall: 6 feet and 5 inches tall. So yes, I do see a lot of things from the top.

Like I said, this will be a place where you can come to find my thoughts on many things, from Comics to Movies, Video Games to Television Shows, to things that piss me off, or things that make me happy. Regardless, I hope you enjoy your stay.